Written Success Stories

"Before coming to the office, I was experiencing a lot of pain and tingling in my feet. At times, I cried myself to sleep. It was awful! I wasn’t able to walk without pain, mostly in my left foot. Luckily, because I need my right foot to drive. Since starting care, I have noticed how much the StemWave therapy has helped my feet. The inflammation is gone and cramping in my leg has been much better. I notice I can walk longer than usual and I’m more relaxed with more energy. No pain! I’ve struggled with this issue for a long time, trying all kinds of ways, even getting shots in my foot, with no improvement. Thanks to the StemWave therapy and Dr. Trent and his team, I’ve gotten the relief I was looking for. Thanks! If you’re considering neuropathy treatment, give the StemWave a try or live with pain."

- Olivia S.

"I was experiencing pain in my legs and feet. I couldn’t go anywhere without my three-pronged cane or sleep through the night. Now there is no need for my cane and, after the first week, I had no more pain. I can get up and go anywhere! I do water aerobics 3X a week and participate in Silver Sneakers each week. If you’re considering treatment, do it! It is working great!"

- Emily K.

"I was experiencing numbness in my lower extremities for years. I couldn’t feel pin pricks for 20 years. This year, prior to treatment, there was no reflex when my doctor hit my foot or knee with his little hammer. I had a sliver in the bottom of my foot and the doctor used a scalpel to dig it out. It was bleeding and she was amazed that I couldn’t feel it. before coming here, I was unable to stand on one foot without flailing around like an inflatable dancing guy; I looked the same when I tried to walk heel to toe, heel to toe. Since starting care, I have noticed feelings when touching my feet. My edema has practically disappeared. I’ve lost weight and I can do those balancing acts now! I’m glad I’m adding years to my life instead of heading towards a walker and wheelchair. I will continue to exercise as always, but I’ve learned some exercises I’ve never considered. I’m eating healthier and making wiser food choices. If you’re considering treatment, you’re going to get a lot more than just healing neuropathy. 20 years ago I was given a price for a plan at another place, but it was double the price that I paid here and they didn’t have any of the technology and instruments they have at Bandana. I’m so glad I took this full service plan. It’s a full-body improvement!"

- Vicki M.

"Before coming to the office, I was experiencing numbness on my left side. It began in my foot and worked it’s way up my leg to my hip. I could not experience hot or cold in my left leg. If I sat for a long period of time, it was worse and difficult to walk, I tripped. Since starting care, I have noticed that feeling has returned to my foot. I still don't experience cold but my balance has improved, not perfect yet. I am more confident in my walking but still cautious. If I need to sit for a longer period my foot doesn’t become so uncomfortable. I’m hoping to continue to improve. If you’re considering treatment, give it serious thought. I was desperate but felt I needed to try something and felt this was beneficial for me."

- Mary P.

"I was experiencing back pain and sciatic pain down both legs. It was bad. I couldn’t walk or sit for periods of time. Since starting care, I have less pain, about 85% gone. I can feel my feet now- I didn’t know they had been so bad. Now I can sit for longer periods of time. I am sleeping better and my balance is better. If you’re considering treatment, do it. It has changed my life and made it better. Last fall, I felt like I was dying. I have always been a skeptic, but it worked for me!"

- Tony H.

"Before coming to the office, I was experiencing tingling and itchy feet. Cramping in both my calves and lower back pain. By the end of the day, I had a hard time walking and it was difficult falling asleep. Since starting care, I have noticed that the itchiness and cramping have decreased. I am better able to fall asleep and I can walk without cramping and discomfort. If you’re considering treatment, it’s expensive but it’s worth every penny. It works if you stick with the plan."

- Debra K.

"I was experiencing pain in my feet and I couldn’t stand for very long. I’ve noticed a significant reduction in pain. I am walking more and my blood sugar is under better control. If you’re considering treatment all I can say is it works."

- Greg H.

"I was experiencing burning and tingling pain in my lower legs and feet. I couldn’t feel hot or cold temperatures on my feet. I was woken at night with burning sensations. I couldn’t walk much or go up and down steps. I was always falling asleep in the recliner. I was tired and moody. I now have feeling in my feet and am sleeping better at night. My mobility is much better and I’m less moody and impatient. If you’re thinking about starting care, go for it. it sure improved my quality of life."

- Edward R.

"Before coming to the office, I was experiencing numbness in my foot. I was still mobile, but my foot always felt “funny.” Since starting care, I’ve noticed I am able to stand and walk better. I am more active. Give it a try!"

- Steve K.

"Before coming to the office, I was experiencing numbness in my feet and toes. I was unable to feel anything with my feet or toes and consequently would trip sometimes and stub my toes to the point they would bleed and I wouldn’t even know it had happened. Since starting care, I have feeling coming back into my feet and toes. Now I am not stumbling or stubbing my toes like I did when they were numb. If you’re considering treatment, definitely get treatment. It works!"

- David L.

"I was experiencing extreme numbness in my feet, unhealthy eating habits, and feeling sluggish. I couldn’t feel sensations in my feet. I’m starting to feel light tough. There is less tingling in my feet and I have better posture. I’m less angry. I still have questions but I have an open mind. I was able to put our dock in and I haven’t done that in two years. If you’re considering treatment, go- you may not get the results I got but you’ll notice a difference."

- John W.

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm

3:30pm - 6:00pm

7:00am - 10:00am
3:30pm - 6:00pm

3:30pm - 6:00pm

7:00am - 10:00am

9:30am - 10:30am

*Special Appointments such as NEW PATIENTS & X-RAY VIEWINGS may be scheduled outside of these hours.

Bandana Chiropractic and Wellness Center

1912 Lexington Avenue North Suite 250
Roseville, MN 55113
Email: bandana.fd@gmail.com

(651) 646-2050

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm

3:30pm - 6:00pm

7:00am - 10:00am
3:30pm - 6:00pm

3:30pm - 6:00pm

7:00am - 10:00am

9:30am - 10:30am

*Special Appointments such as NEW PATIENTS & X-RAY VIEWINGS may be scheduled outside of these hours.

Bandana Chiropractic and Wellness Center

1912 Lexington Avenue North Suite 250
Roseville, MN 55113
Email: bandana.fd@gmail.com

(651) 646-2050