Affirmations in Roseville

There is an expression when writing computer code called GIGO (Garbage In = Garbage Out). That makes so much sense when telling a machine how to operate but the same goes for having a successful life. We need to put good in (have good habits and structure) in order for the best chance of getting a good positive result on the other end. This goes for thoughts, food, exercise, stretches, spinal care, personal care products, people around us (friends and influencers), etc. Using less than optimal “raw materials” produces less than optimal results. Here is some good fuel for your mind from your Roseville Chiropractor …
Affirmations in Roseville
I have the power to choose my thoughts…
My winning actions everyday will give a winning year...
I give 100% in all that I do...
Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life...
Every adversity has the seed of Greater benefit...
Life without goals is life without purpose...
Obstacles and problems are opportunities for me to learn...
My attitude shapes my future...
Love is the best gift I can give to others...
Positive thoughts grow stronger with constant repetition...
Reading gives me ideas to move forward...
I count my blessings instead of my problems...
Everything is working for my good...
I work with purpose and eagerness...
I can and I will...
Great plans with action means a great life...
Successful people do the things failures don't like to do...
I am ready for greater good in my life...
Winners never quit, quitters never win...
My good habits are essential to my success...
I face today with courage...
My affirmations help me to reach my goals...
Everything in my life depends on my attitude...
My persistence will bring me success...
I face every challenge like a winner...
I prosper because of my thoughts of abundance...
I let go of all limiting thoughts and false beliefs...
Write down your affirmations. Make them goal orientated, in the present tense and as though they have already been achieved. REPEAT YOUR AFFIRMATIONS AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE. Walk the talk!!
2019 is our 20 Year Anniversary!! Join in our monthly celebrations on any 20th (for 20 years) of the Month. We will have prize giveaways and snacks for patients plus FREE exam, consult and x-rays for anyone you know.
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 10:00am
3:30pm - 6:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 10:00am
9:30am - 10:30am
*Special Appointments such as NEW PATIENTS & X-RAY VIEWINGS may be scheduled outside of these hours.
Bandana Chiropractic and Wellness Center
1912 Lexington Avenue North Suite 250
Roseville, MN 55113